Hey! I’m Lindsay, a proud Yorkshire lass and I am a runner. I also like reading, good food and a nice whisky to finish off.

Why running?

Pure joy after running

I was never ‘good enough’ at sports when I was younger and I put off exercise (other than the gym) because I didn’t think I was capable. As I wanted to lose weight back in March 2018, one thing I kept going back to, was running. It was cheap to get into (ha!) and once I knew I didn’t have to be fast, I started a routine.

It took a lot of failed attempts, at one point I definitely hated it, but as soon as I was able to manage 5k on the canal something clicked and started to build up a routine.

How quick am I?

I’m definitely a lot quicker than when I started! I’m not overly speedy though, and that’s OK. I’m slowly improving and I’m getting stronger.

We all run for different reasons and being the quickest isn’t what drives me.

Why do you run?

Leeds Half Marathon celebratory pint

I run to challenge myself. I ran my first 10k in Nov 2018 and followed it up with my first half marathon in April 2019! Leeds Half Marathon was my first and it made me fall in love with the half marathon distance. I have a few booked for 2020!

I also run for my mental health. If I have a bad day, I enjoy going out for a run to work through the issues and struggles. Whilst it doesn’t fix the issue, I usually have a different viewpoint or a way I can face it. I do also love a good angry run, cursing everyone as I march up a hill!

I was prone to panic attacks, having 2 or 3 a month but since running this has reduced to a handful a year. Running doesn’t fix things, but it provides me with perspective and a way of coping when things are overwhelming.

What’s next?

As I write this (Dec 2019), I hope to not only run a few more half marathons and tackle several hills, but to also help others who wish to get involved.

There are plenty of ways to help and support fellow runners. The easiest way is to volunteer at parkrun! I also plan on getting more involved in running groups and clubs. These cater for all kinds of runners at different abilities. Social running is a great way to not only make new friends, but to provide motivation to push yourself a little bit further!

Upcoming races

Loch Ness Marathon – 29th September

Manchester Half Marathon – 13th October

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