Twas the night before Edinburgh marathon and I am shitting me self.

Not literally, but you get the idea.

This week has been a mixture of positive and negative.

The negative is that I still feel pain /aching in my glute. Sort of. It’s moved about. My physio has reassured me this is a positive sign as my body adjusts and is working shiz out (paraphrasing).

I also had a stressful train journey up, but I am here now.

The positives are much more plentiful. I no longer feel a sharp pain when in bed.

I ran twice this week (for ten minutes) and it wasn’t painful, just uncomfortable.

Physio exercises seem to be doing something.

If I take pain relief and whisky I feel absolutely nothing.

Yeah yeah. Judge me. I’ve earnt this.

I have just enjoyed a nandos feast ready for tomorrow. My only expectation is to finish.

My train journey got better, I met some lovely Americans from Boston who showed some amazing support. I love having random interactions that can help brighten the day.

How do I feel right now?

Numb (might be the whisky). And determined. All I want to do is to run and finish. Please. I’ve come this far.

Short blog this week but I will provide a more detailed summary once this is all over.

This week’s song… Well. I like listening to a lot of shit when I run. Mainly to amuse me but also distract me when struggling.

I’m in the blue pen and tomorrow night I’m going to have the best fucking night of me life eyyy.

One response to “Marathon Training: Week 16”

  1. Colin Johnstone Avatar
    Colin Johnstone

    Sorry you’ve had such a troubled preparation. Hope it goes ok.
    Take your time and finish safe.
    Very best of luck, Lindz.


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