Yes, I’m still injured / resting. So I’m not still marathon training surely… Wrong!

Just because I’m not running, doesn’t mean I’m not still preparing for the race. The mental strength is half of it and oh it is a roller coaster!

What did I get up to?

I kicked off with another Bank Holiday, so no work! Woo!

With this, I intended to go for an 8 mile walk. It was up to Bolster Moor to grab a coffee and walk back home. Simple and lovely and hilly with views galore.

I’d had a naff week in general with work and life crap, so I was pretty wound up.

You probably know where this is going.

I love cows

I didn’t run all of it, but I did run about 80% of it. It felt great. I felt lighter and happier and more positive.

Until my right glute started hurting again. Yup. I suppose you say it is my fault and it is, but I needed it.

What else did I get up to?

I haven’t been running again, do not worry. I have spent the rest of the week walking, doing yoga and upper body workouts. I’m trying not to overdo it as it’ll just make my glute tired and over stretched.

I’ve walked at parkrun again and volunteered at juniors. Following those who ran the Leeds marathon this weekend has been fantastic, some amazing stories of strength. I can’t help but be inspired.

I have been speaking to others for advice.

I’ve had two people say I shouldn’t run the race which is gutting and I am afraid.

On a more positive side, I went to personal training on Friday and we went through some strength work and stretches that actually eased the pain! There was nothing. It was fantastic.

This is what gives me hope. If I just rest and follow the qualified advice that seems to be working, the pain should go. Please get better right glute! I’m trying my best here!

Those who know will understand this

What’s next?

A continuation of the same, taking it steady. Going for nice steady walks and following the strength work and stretches that have been working so far.

Am I worried? Yes. I’d be stupid not to be.

Volunteering at junior parkrun

I just need that morning where I wake up and it doesn’t ache and I know I’ll be OK. I just hope this is sooner rather than just before race day!

Those who have had injuries before marathons, please share your stories – good or bad. Knowledge is power!

This week’s song is dedicated to my kitten, Lola. When this song comes on I’ll think of her at home waiting for me, so hopefully this will help me keep on going ❤️ She has definitely changed my life!

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