Remember last week when I went on about how tired I was? Yeah. Marathon training has chewed me up and spat me out.

I’m not doing a day to day this week as I’ve barely been running.

What Happened?

Last Sunday’s run was a slog, legs did not want to work but they did. When I finished I felt fine just tired. I had no major concerns.

Until I woke up Monday morning.

My right glute was a riiiight pain in the arse! To the point where I couldn’t walk properly.

At this point, whilst it was frustrating, I wasn’t that concerned. I’d run 19.4 miles the previous day, it’s normal for some niggles to pop in.

It meant I had a perfect excuse not to run on Tuesday, which at this stage of marathon training I was more than happy not to risk anything and take an extra day of rest.

Wednesday came and I felt much better, so I did my usual cross training. I did yoga and a strength workout. Everything seemed to be getting back to normal.

So on Thursday, I thought I would continue my plan and go for a run.

I ran 45 minutes easy with 25 minutes at an effort. And I absolutely loved it.

I was at my mum’s house which meant I could explore some of my favourite places such as Beaumont Park and the surrounding fields and country roads. I was cruising and it did genuinely feel really good.

Until the next morning. Whilst it wasn’t as bad as Monday, it was back. It did not feel good.

Having to admit that you’re injured weeks before the race you’ve put your heart and soul into is so upsetting. I spent my entire session at personal training on Friday trying not to cry!

So I’ve not run since. It sucks. I should have run my longest run today (Sunday 7th) and I should have been excited for the taper.

What have I been doing instead?

So walking eases the pain, to the point where I don’t feel it anymore.

On Saturday I enjoyed a park walk with my mum. Parkrun is great because it’s like a big catch up with my friends, even if they’re whizzing past me this week!

I’ve also been doing more yoga than usual, although I did do a Youtube video which was more intense than what I was expecting! I plan to stick to yin and restorative. Anything that can help me stretch out those hips.

On Sunday I volunteered at Junior Parkrun which was lovely again, just to see friends and I even got to check out Julie’s amazing London marathon medal! She also got injured before her race but she still got it done.

The most important thing for me is to keep busy and keep moving. When I wake up is when I feel it the most, because it’ll have seized up in my sleep.

What’s the plan til race day?

So my longest run has been 19.4 miles. It’s definitely not where I want to be and I am very gutted about this. Whilst I have been busy, I’ve also had some good cries and let it all out. I will probably cry some more. It’s just how much it means to me.

As many friends / experts / random blokes off twitter will argue, 3 weeks is plenty of time to recover. IF I’m sensible. I really want to be sensible.

Deep down / not so secretly I did want to use Bank Holiday Monday to try and get the 21 mile run done, but it still ached Sunday morning so I have to put my hands up and admit it won’t be happening.

As walking isn’t having a negative impact though, I am planning on going on some hilly walks. This will help me with my time on my feet and work those legs still! I haven’t been up the hills for ages as the Edinburgh marathon route is flat and we have to train for what we’re racing on…

It’s taper time, 19.4 miles will gave to do and I’m going to go back onto the trails!

This week’s song is purely because I’m getting those walking boots on and getting those steps in ๐Ÿ˜‚ Need to have something to look towards! I’ll remember to take some pretty pics. If it’s not raining that is…

2 responses to “Marathon training: Week 13”

  1. funkymagic Avatar

    Not nice but I love this ๐Ÿฅฐ
    Social platforms are full of good news and best presentation of self, so putting the downers out there really emphasises the REALITY of the good efforts & weeks.
    Youve got this, you probably *can* run a marathon…and if you struggle or fail, that’s ok too ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜€


    1. Lindsay B Avatar
      Lindsay B

      I refuse to fail

      Liked by 1 person

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