Activity levels have gone down with the lockdown, so we should make the most of our daily exercise… right?

From 5k runs to long runs, we’re allowed out once a day and there’s the pressure to use this… Is anyone else absolutely exhausted?!

Not just physically, but mentally too. The pressure we’re putting on our minds and bodies to ensure we go out everyday can get a bit much. It’s tough because when we go out, we can’t just have a nice little lunch break halfway through. Then if we don’t go out, it’s that feeling of guilt.

It’s getting to me a bit to be honest. With work getting busier (retailers and brands working from home means they’ve got time to ask every question ever…!) and the same running and walking routes, things are just getting a bit boring.

I’m bored, I’m exhausted and I’m trying but there’s only so much we can do.

The past two weeks I’ve actually started doing intervals again, which I’m loving. I do worry running up and down the same flat road (they’re hard to come by in Huddersfield) will also become tedious.

A big thing we’re forgetting though, is recovery. Just because we’re only active once a day, it doesn’t mean we should ignore rest and recovery. A rest day with a long brisk walk is still exercise. Our bodies are in shock just as much as our minds, so it is important to continue to do stretching after exercise and foam roll!

I actually have a foam roller, a massage ball and an electric massager now. An unqualified physio right here at home, haha! This needs to be added to the daily routine, as much as we hate it.

In addition to this, resting the mind is just as important as the body. Sleep is something I’m struggling with at the moment, so I have started a meditation course. It’s very relaxing so far and does distract me from things for a while.

Home workout

After all this, things aren’t going to simply go back to as it was. This is going to take time for all us to adjust and won’t be an overnight thing. I need to remember this and whilst life might be different, I can still head out for a run – even if it’s not how it was before. It still has the same positive effect after.

We are strong, but let’s remember to rest and be kind to our mind and body.

One response to “Rest and Recovery”

  1. Helen Avatar

    I love your insight Lindsay 👍it is fine to be ok and just as acceptable to be not ok. We are so ofren our own worse critics!


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